Pages about shareware games, things that were normal in the 90s and uncool things then now added!
9ties is now mobilefriendly
What 90s was about (part 3)
I redo some pictures and added new content. There's also mega exclusive content: pictures of me hidden in here.
So if you're ever wondered what kind of geek I am, here's your change. Warning though: I have quite large head.
Some time ago, the 9ties reached 30,000 milestones. Thank you all for your intrest and views.
Since my own school days were a couple of decades ago, I decided to write about them.
What 90s was about (part 2)
Some major typo fixes and nice award from lu
I started new series: What 90s was about?
There will be several topics so stay stuned.
I nostalgied over old gems I used to play.
New layout yayy! Let me know if links are broken.
10 000 views milestone
Thank you everybody, have some space cake.
It's spooktober time! Click groovy skeleton for more!

Apparently I collect paninis now.
What is wrong with the 90s? Click here to find out.
Have you ever read The Old Castle's Secret? I am delighted that I found it on flea market yesterday.
Added more links I use to build up my new website. Look how cool enamel pin I got today!
Normal friday, I talk about turtles.
Click me!
Now you can find more old gifs and nostalgic banners that I dug from the depths of an old hard drive. Feel free to use them if you want to.
Ultimate html coding hurts my back. Anyway, enjoy my collection of treasures.

All text and pictures on this site are licenced under CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Unless it's stated otherwise.
I added cool links under the misc section.
Added a bunch of dinosaur gifs, you can found them on misc. Also look at the cutest favicon I found.
New navigation system, fixed pages a little bit. Let's see if I can come up with something else on the left side.
My thoughts about internet phenomenon added now. Will add more text & pics later.
Hot Fudge sundae with star shaped nompareils gave me an idea so heres new background and logo. Sparkly sunday everyone.
Now its time for my guilty pleasure. I have been keeping this secret from everybody else than my best friend. So here goes, I love eurodance more than life. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
*I deeply cherish powerful childhood memories. This phenomenon is called a “'rosy retrospection,' that is, a tendency to remember the past as better than it really was.” But there might be an evolutionary reason for it, because “a favorable focus on the past helps most people remain healthy and happy despite the practical and emotional challenges of adult life.”*
Now that the world is a very dark place, I focus on the old videogames, reading my childhood books and watching old photos. With all the negativity I choose to do things that make me believe that this too will pass. So here's to nostalgy trip. Feel free to look the links up if you need some consolation.
Hobbies before internet
*Italic is not entirely my own thought though..*
Stay safe. -Luna
More links to explore. What's ponies has to with the interwebs.
Added some gaming memories.
New layout, added stuff about titanic.
Yay made a webpage!